Friday, June 19, 2009

To Draw or not To Draw

Dear artery. I am having serious motivational issues at the moment. I love my job and I really want to work but the problem is that I just cant face up to it and have no energy to do anything related to it. My family have been on at me to give it all up and get a proper job, but in the currnet climate its not an option, but the pressure is really starting to get to me and I don't know what to do!

Should I keep working at my dream career until it pays out, or should I just pack it all in now and try and find a desk job that will pay from day one?

- from Confused Artist

Dear Confused Artist

your motivational issues could be down to your family continuously telling you to get a really job. now if this is what you really want to do for living then i say go for it let your parents know that you are not going to back away from things and you would like there support and may be that is why you cant face up to doing anything with this work too now not having any energy to do any work could also be from your family having a go at you for this and the stress of it all is causing your brain to shut down on any ideas you may come up with what you need to do is for get about what your family is saying and do it because it makes you feel good about your self. But if you think you could benefit from having a 9 to 5 job then i advise you to see one just to keep the family off your back and you can have the drawings as a side line ask your self this would you be more happy working on your drawings of sat at a desk in some office?

yours, Artery

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hi, welcome to my advice page where all of your queries will be answered, and all your problems will be solved. No problem is too big or too small, or too embarrassing! I will give you the option whether your problem is published on the blog or not, and I will always keep your identity anonymous.

All the advice I give is purely from personal experience and knowledge. My advice is always helpful, and truthful even if people don't want to hear the facts of the matter. I am honest and to the point.

I am honest and reliable and having grown up in the North East, I have come to take everything in my stride and learnt how to approach any situation. Being an active member of the gay community I have have been through the ups and downs of same sex relationships and have been offering advice to my friends on this subject for a little over six years now. This has lead to me building a strong understanding of how male and female minds work, and how love can sometimes warp your perspective. I also read deeper into the things people say, to find out exactly what is at the core of their actions, thoughts and feelings even if they aren't able to see it themselves.

I am going to study to become a qualified doctor of psychology.

I have already been through and been trampled all over by, the school of life.

- I hope to hear from you, Artery.

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